Welcome to Day 1,859.

Today is an even heavier day than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, the blog entry "Two Pardoned Movies And A Sequel" has posted to The Bonus Round page, while the blog entry "Two More Movies 'C' Their Way Into The Slow-Moving Selection Process" has moved to Fresh At The Time.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its assessment, Barbie was placed on the Walrus 23 page
  • The category Potential 2,048 Through 2,082 Movies has been renamed Potential 2,048 Through 2,083 Movies on the Land Of Infusion Era Assessments/Re-Assessments By Category page
  • The page Locked In For Spots 2,048 Through 2,082 has been renamed Locked In For Spots 2,048 Through 2,083
  • Following its assessment, White Can't Jump '23 was placed in Tier 7. However, a movie hasn't been chosen for its now vacant overall guaranteed Catch-22 Hundred spot
  • In news that we forgot to report in the 07-26-23 Nog Report, six movies moved up from Tier 3 to Tier 2

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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